Campus Pastor - Englewood

3800 E Hampden Ave - Englewood

01 Sep 2024

3800 E Hampden Ave - Englewood


Full Time


5 years

70000 - 90000 USD

I.               Purpose of the Job:

·      To build, grow and pastor the campuses of BRAVE Church

II.             Experience and Knowledge Required:

·      Ability to pastor people

  • Build meaningful relationships
  • Care for people
  • Disciple people
  • Train people
  • Develop leaders
  • Help people realize and reach their full potential

·      Ability to lead others

  • Organization/management of leadership teams
  • Present vision to leadership/church
  • Continually developing and increasing circle of influence with people
  • Lead by serving others
  • Delegate well
  • Strong sense of team

·      Ability to communicate to congregation

  • Comfortable in front of people
  • Speak clearly and intentionally
  • Help guests feel welcome and comfortable
  • Present BRAVE purpose and vision clearly

III.            Essential Functions and Responsibilities:

·      Weekly Responsibilities (between Sundays)

  • Attend weekly meeting with Pastor Justin Hart and the Campus Pastors
  • Attend weekly meeting to review order of service for coming weekend
  • Appointments with Cadre leaders, Corps leaders, potential leadership
  • Communicate upcoming events, etc., with campus leadership team
  • Communicate with all campus leadership teams regarding weekend services
  • Continually building systems that will create growth at campus level
  • Be available for appointments (counseling, pre-marital, etc.)
  • Respond to emails and phone calls within 24 to 48 hour time frame
  • Plan/Implement monthly meeting with all campus Corps Team Coaches (leadership team)
  • Meet regularly with Corps Team Coordinator regarding Corps Team
  • Attend/Lead morning prayer at campus
  • Prepare campus facility for upcoming weekend services (make sure all rooms are neat & well organized)
  • Prepare a message each week in the event of technological malfunction

·      Weekend Responsibilities (Services)

  • Have campus facility opened and prepped for services
  • Connect with Corps Team Coordinator and make sure all bases are covered
  • Facilitate all services on Sunday
  • Secure campus facility following worship services
  • Love, encourage and pastor people
  • Connect with new people
  • Be available for ministry time with individuals
  • Lead/Assist with Next Steps each Sunday

IV.           Attributes:

·      Strong leadership skills

·      Positive attitude

·      Heart of a servant

·      Fun/enjoyable

·      Loyal

·      Must share the vision of BRAVE’s to fulfill the Great Commission with integrity and passion

V.             Extent of Public Contact:

·      BRAVE Pastors and staff members

·      Contact with Pastor and staff from other churches

·      Local city leaders

·      Local vendors

VII.         Supervisory Responsibilities:

·      Administrative assistant and Support staff

·      Team Coordinators and leaders